Chimeric antigen receptor T cells (CART)療效好壞與否,與兩個層面息息相關。首先是CAR本身的設計,能否精準毒殺腫瘤,避免對正常組織造成過大毒性;再者是CART製程產出的最終產品裡,細胞組成的品質,能否在CART回輸後提高存活率,而持續展現優異的毒殺功能。這樣的概念,就像好的設計圖,也需要優秀的技師,才能產出完美的產品。然而鮮少生技公司、藥廠、或學術機構會著墨於製程本身,並非不重要,而是此一領域極難突破。沛爾不論是研發或是臨床製程,皆可成功產出極高比例之Tscm (幹記憶型T細胞),其平均數值約在57%,在世界的團隊裡首屈一指,表現不容小覷。沛爾的高Tscm% CART療效也確實反應在小鼠實驗上,實驗結果發現CART在小鼠周邊血液存在時間相當久,以及接受CART治療的小鼠存活天數顯著延長等,最終治療組小鼠並非死於腫瘤,而是疑似死於排斥反應(GVHD)。即使CAR的設計與其他競爭者相似,取得此一關鍵性的數據之後,沛爾愈加積極投入CART製程開發,尤致力於最終產品的品質優化,使其長期療效更顯著更具應用價值。
2. 製程中不須進行細胞分選,不須添加藥物,7天可放大70倍,幹記憶型CART細胞達57%,具創新性。
3. 製程平台未來可應用到各種不同腫瘤標靶CART,且亦可應用到其他免疫細胞之生產,在開發平台上具有一定優勢。
Pell Biomedical Technology Ltd. has been focused on developing technology in immune cell and adipose-derived stem cell (ADSC) therapies, since July of 2017. Current cell products include therapies that involve cell types of ADSC, CIK, DC-CIK, and T cell, target indications that have been approved under Regulations Governing Specific Cellular Therapeutic Technology by the Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare. Between the two locations of Taipei and Kaohsiung, there are approximately 70 employees at Pell BMT. Of these, half are responsible for research-related jobs, distributed in departments of R&D, cell production, quality control, and clinical study. Not only have Pell BMT been continuously hiring top-notch researchers to increase production, investments in R&D has also grown annually, for the purpose of further optimizing GTP level production of chimeric antigen receptor T cell (CART). As the core technology of Pell BMT, CART therapy will enter early phase clinical trials in 2021, a step towards achieving the company’s main goal of implementing cell immunotherapy in clinical settings. |
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