頸動脈的脈動能量可能會對身體的末端器官造成影響。本案提出了一種新途徑,利用頸動脈超音波結合高速影像處理技術,搭配創新的分析方法來估計脈動能量。這種方法不僅能夠同步擷取頸動脈的血壓波形和血流,還能計算出由血壓波形和血流衍生的複雜血管參數,包括脈動能量等重要功能指標,以評估血管老化程度。此項技術的發展有望簡化分析過程,並提升其在臨床研究和醫療應用中的效率及可行性。同時,該技術能夠整合至可攜式與可穿戴式超音波裝置,大幅增加心血管疾病的連續監測能力,展現其在個人健康管理市場中的應用前景。根據市場調查機構的估算,手持式超音波設備在全球的銷售額於2023年約為10億至12 億美元之間。隨著市場不斷擴大及技術持續進步,預計至2030年,銷售規模將達到25億美元。此技術目前正在申請國內外專利。

鄭浩民 |
學歷 |
Doctorate degree in Medicine |
現職 |
臺北榮民總醫院教學部教師培育科主任/心臟內科主治醫師 陽明交通大學醫學院內科學系教授/公共衛生研究所教授/衛生福利研究所合聘教授 台灣實證醫學學會秘書長 台灣高血壓學會理事 台灣皮質醛酮症學會常務理事 |
經歷 |
1) Professor Cheng has been a cardiologist for more than 15 years with the sub-speciality of interventional cardiology and cardiovascular hemodynamics. 2) As a professor in National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, He has been granted the awards of excellence in Clinical and Internship Teaching numerous times. 3) Professor Cheng is current the director of Division of Faculty Development, Taipei Veterans General Hospital and was the immediate past director of Centre for Evidence-based Medicine in Taipei Veterans General Hospital. 4) His research has been focusing on cardiovascular hemodynamics, hypertension management, and evidence-based health care with more than 250 articles published in peer-reviewed journals and several patents in US, Japan, and Taiwan. 5) Professor Cheng is an editor in Systematic Reviews, BMC Cardiovascular Disorders, JBI evidence synthesis, Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine and has been involved in editorial and peer-review work of many international SCI listed journals. 6) Professor Cheng has developed the innovative techniques relating to cardiovascular hemodynamics and endeavoured to facilitate the technology transfer from research to industrialisation. |
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