學研新創 - 創新醫材與診斷技術


R3CE (Rapid, Rare Cell 3D Expansion) technology aims to accelerating 2D to 3D cell culture and to achieve the ultimate goal: ZERO animal model.
R3CE technology outperforms existing 3D culture technology in terms of yields, time to form organoids, and easiness of operation and demonstrates similar yields and cost structure to the existing 2D culture protocols. R3CE enables single cell proliferation within one to four weeks, hence is applicable for all clinical specimen even if the original cell counts are low such as CTCs or stem cells. It enables precision medicine and regenerative medicine.

1.團隊以微量細胞增量(RCE) 技術來擴增循環腫瘤細胞及活體組織切片衍生的類腫瘤、幹細胞或是永生細胞株,具臨床運用價值。
2.研發團隊涵蓋傑出的第一線腫瘤學專家,過去有Nature Cell Biology文章發表,具發展潛力。
學歷 美國Stanford University博士
現職 中央研究院基因體研究中心研究員

- 中央研究院生醫轉譯研究中心 合聘研究員
- 美國史丹福大學(Stanford University) Precision Health & Integrated Diagnostics Center, Affiliated Member
- 美國史丹福大學(Stanford University) Department of Chemical Engineering, Consulting Professor/ Adjunct Professor
- 中央研究院基因體研究中心 副研究員
- 全錄公司研究中心(Palo Alto Research Center), Researcher
- 美國加州大學爾灣分校(University of California-Irvine) Department of Chemical Engineering, Researcher
- 美國加州大學爾灣分校(University of California-Irvine) Department of Chemical Engineering, Assistant Professor
- Stanford University/ Affymetrix Corp, Postdoctoral Researcher
- Max Media California (now Seagate Corp) Department of Advanced Technology, Senior Engineer

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