《新創動態》興大學者研發抗體檢測晶片 研究登頂級期刊


防疫新觀念:檢測抗體、而非檢測病毒!台灣科學家中興大學生醫工程研究所張健忠特聘教授、機械系王國禎特聘教授與佐信科技有限公司黃俊達總經理帶領團隊研發具三維電漿熱點(3D-PHS)之訊號增強晶片,可成功檢測COVID-19病毒、抗體與抗原;並以「用於冠狀病毒生物分子檢測的多尺度 3D 熱點 奈米晶片」(A multiscale 3D hotspot-rich nanostructured substrate for biomolecular detection of SARS-CoV-2)為題,成功發表在物理領域界排名世界第一的頂級期刊《應用物理評論》(Applied Physics Reviews),同時獲選為特色論文。

張健忠教授表示,回憶當時在疫情很嚴重的情下,如果在機場海關,若是檢查入境旅客身上有沒有抗體,是不是比檢測病毒更有意義?直接追蹤身上是否有抗體,就可知道旅客身上是否尚有抵抗力,需不需要再補打?需不需要隔離? 也不需要討論哪種疫苗最有用,是最直接的證據,這樣的防疫觀念可以延伸很廣的應用,即使對流感病毒也有用。




詳細資訊⇒ 具三維電漿熱點之訊號增強晶片 |第19屆國家新創獎

New concept of epidemic prevention: antibodies detection instead of detecting viruses! Taiwanese scientists and General Manager at Protrustech Co., Ltd. Huang Chun-Ta, Distinguished Professor Chang, Chien-Chung from Graduate Institute of Biomedical Engineering of National Chung Hsing University, and Distinguished Professor Wang Guozhen of the Mechanical Engineering department led a team to develop a signal enhancement chip with a three-dimensional plasma hotspot (3D-PHS), which can successfully detect COVID-19 viruses, antibodies and antigens.

However, it was successfully published under the title "A multiscale 3D hotspot-rich nanostructured substrate for biomolecular detection of SARS-CoV-2" of Applied Physics Reviews in the world's top journal ranked No. 1 in the field of physics, was also selected as a featured paper.     

Chang, Chien-Chung said “Recall the time when epidemic was very serious, if the customs at the airport checked whether incoming passengers had antibodies, would it be more meaningful than testing for the virus? By directly tracking if passengers have antibodies, we can know whether they still have immunity. Do they need to be re-injected? Do they need to be under quarantine? There is no need to discuss which vaccine is the most effective. It is the most direct evidence. This concept of epidemic prevention can be extended to a wide range of applications, even for influenza viruses.

"Currently, only a drop of blood serum can be used to obtain the fingerprint of antibody protein molecules." Distinguished Professor Chang, Chien-Chung said that the three-dimensional plasma hotspot (3D-PHS) signal enhancement chip invented by the team can provide rich 3D hotspots and equal surface plasmon resonance.  Therefore, it can enhance signals tens of millions of times, including Raman signals, which is an excellent method for measuring molecular fingerprints.

The invention of this chip has obtained a Taiwan patent and a U.S. patent which all jointly held by Protrustech Co., Ltd. and National Chung Hsing University. (U.S. patent is still applying now.) And won the 2023 Invention Award Platinum Award. This chip has successfully applied for two big testing projects, including agricultural (pesticides, orchid viruses) and biomedical testing (drugs, bilirubin, germs, cancer cells), etc. The related results won the National Innovation Award and also this year’s Future Innovation of Science and Technology Award.

Huang Chun-Ta, general manager at Protrustech Co., Ltd., said that we have invested considerable resources in the development and application of instruments, and have successfully entered the medical field from the measurement of semiconductors, materials, organic matter, etc. The breakthrough in detection technology resulted from the invention of the chip, which was jointly developed with academia. We cooperated with technical and research team from Chang, Chien-Chung, a tenured distinguished professor in the Institute of Medical Engineering of National Chung Hsing University, and obtained the invention patent. At the same time, with the assistance of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, we also drew up mass production plan for chips. Future planning is producing chips by GMP factory to meet regulatory requirements, truly enter the medical field, and expand into international markets.

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