spikevaxTM是莫德納運用mRNA技術迅速開發出的Covid-19疫苗,2021年獲得台灣食藥署緊急授權。它利用基因指令來激發免疫反應來降低嚴重COVID-19疾病、住院和死亡的風險。 spikevaxTM的快速開發和應用為疫苗技術和公共衛生的重要里程碑。 莫德納的mRNA平台使我們能夠迅速應對新興的COVID-19變種病毒株。為確保更新的疫苗可以對目前傳播的變種病毒株提供最佳的免疫反應,藥品監管機構和全球公共衛生組織建議在2023年6月將COVID-19疫苗更新為單價XBB.1.5組成。
Moderna’s Covid-19 vaccine spikevaxTM was developed rapidly using mRNA technology, and was authorized in 2021 in Taiwan. It utilizes genetic instructions to stimulate an immune response to reduce the risk of severe COVID-19 disease, hospitalization, and death. The swift development and deployment of spikevaxTM marked a significant milestone in vaccine technology and public health. The power of Moderna’s mRNA platform enables us to move quickly against emerging COVID-19 variants. To ensure updated vaccines provide the most robust immune response against the dominant circulating variants, regulators and global public health agencies recommended that COVID-19 vaccines be updated to a monovalent XBB.1.5 composition in June 2023.
2. Spikevax®在全球超過70個國家核准使用,已生產超過10億支,估計在2021年幫助減少170萬因COVID-19死亡案例。
3. 2022年成立「莫德納台灣股份有限公司」,並開展與台灣醫療照護專家與學研機構的合作,為台灣民眾提供更多mRNA技術的健康方案。

Moderna is a leader in the creation of the field of mRNA medicine. Through the advancement of mRNA technology, Moderna is reimagining how medicines are made and transforming how we treat and prevent disease for everyone. By working at the intersection of science, technology and health for more than a decade, the company has developed medicines at unprecedented speed and efficiency, including one of the earliest and most effective COVID-19 vaccines.
Moderna's mRNA platform is enabling the development of therapeutics and vaccines for infectious diseases, immuno-oncology, rare diseases and autoimmune diseases. With a unique culture and a global team driven by the Moderna values and mindsets to responsibly change the future of human health, Moderna strives to deliver the greatest possible impact to people through mRNA medicines.
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